Cancers Of Colon And Rectum

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Cancers Of Colon And Rectum

Cancers Of Colon And Rectum

Cancer of the colon and rectum is the third most common cancer in men and second in women worldwide, constituting 10% of all cancers. The incidence of colorectal cancer in India is low compared to western countries at 4 per…

In The Era Of Caesarian Delivery

In The Era Of Caesarian Delivery

In the present era of Caesarian delivery, normal (vaginal) delivery is loosing its prominence. In other words, Caesarian delivery is gaining prominence. This raise in incidence can be a blame game.1. Raising patient demands and not ready to accept risks…

Do All Hernias Require Surgery?

Do All Hernias Require Surgery?

In general, hernias that are at risk for complications, that cause pain, or that limits once routine activities should be repaired. If they are not repaired, there is a risk that an emergency surgical procedure may be required at a…

Key Hole Surgery For Rectal

Key Hole Surgery For Rectal

A rectal prolapse occurs when the rectal wall (portion of the large bowel just above the anus) glides out via the anus. It generally happens because the tissues holding the rectum in place (muscles and ligaments) have deteriorated or become…

Low BMI With Diabetes

Low BMI With Diabetes

Type two DM (T2DM) could be a world public health issue. the worldwide prevalence of polygenic disorder among adults 20~79 years older was 8.3% in 2011, with 366 million folks affected, and was expected to extend to 9.9% by 2030.…

What is the new Human Coronavirus?

What is the new Human Coronavirus?

Coronavirus are the large family of viruses that are known to cause illness in human and animals. A new human corona virus was discovered in Qatar and Saudi Arabia in 2012. The new virus ia a new strain of beta…