Post-Menopausal Bleeding – Do I Need To Consult A Doctor?

Author: A V Hospital

LifeStyle Changes For Reflux Disorder

LifeStyle Changes For Reflux Disorder

These are modifications made in food and behaviours that trigger heart burn. This is treating GERD through self care. Following these simple guidelines may take care of the problemWatch what you eat: Triggers include fatty or fried foods, citrus fruits or…

Star Fruit And Dark Chocolate Salad

Star Fruit And Dark Chocolate Salad

IngredientsStar fruit–ripened 1 whole fruit (125 grams)Fresh Basil leaves – 6 – 7 nos72% Dark Chocolate (Godiva) – ½ square (5 grams)Pinch of red chilli powderPinch of salt (as required)ProcedureWash Star fruit and basil leaves in plenty of cold water.…